We all ask question "how survive without s cell phone?" Not only do our s cell phone become our totems, but we have created a world in which we are so dependent on them. Addition, we have weakened our minds this dependence on them, so much so, that we not even memorize phone numbers more. And cell phone companies have made too easy for us to not use our brains through the introduction of technology that can transfer a telephone phone numbers to another newly acquired.
One of the evening news programs did a story a while ago, which interviewed young and elderly adults and questions them memorizations: home phone numbers and dates importantes.Los young adults could not remember anything, however, remembered old people get much (a Knight remembered your home phone number since the 1940s).
Somehow I am not convinced that all these advances in technology are really helping us. Some progress (i.e. s cellular phone), I believe that these developments are really hurting us.
Happened to the old days when barely able to walk more in the neighbours House and talk in the porch?We must now get carpel tunnel syndrome because we are constantly testing, marking and our information transmission.Remember, don't miss the fundamentals of writing with a pencil and papel.Mensajes with our cell phone text s does not make us smarter but lazier.Mismo problem with mail electronic. if unable to send email, do you communicate?
Get more information about cell phones and all mad things you can do with your cell phone in http://www.tuneshrinker.com things or even it has knew was possible.
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